Woodcore is a Polish company engaged in the production of core buildings following our proprietary and submitted for patenting technology, which is being developed thanks to financial means from the National Centre for Research and Development.
Our work is based on extensive research related to the technology’s safety and strength. We are one of the few companies that carry out strength tests in real-life scale. We cooperate with independent research bodies such as Silesian University of Technology and Building Research Institute, where we perfect our construction solutions under the supervision of the best scientists and experts.
Renewable, ecological, durable and safe building material. Certified KVH and BSH wood.
The core of our business is research and tests of our proprietary technology.
Guarantee of safety and quality. Each structural element is certified.
Renewable, ecological, durable and safe building material. Certified KVH and BSH wood.
The core of our business is research and tests of our proprietary technology.
Guarantee of safety and quality. Each structural element is certified.
WOOD PACK – core-structure panel system
Are you interested in the most cutting-edge technology of building wood-core houses. Are you an architect, contractor or construction company? We are looking for partner companies interested in designing and building core-structure houses. Write to us or call us in order to find out more about our own original technology.
Poszukujemy firm partnerskich chcących projektować i budować domy w technologii szkieletowej